I do not see NX I purchased using an account on the Mabinogi website! What should I do?

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If you are having issues seeing your NX on our site, please try basic internet browser troubleshooting to see if it is a browser issue.

  • Restart the browser
  • Try deleting Cookies/Cache files in your browser
  • Try a different browser (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge / Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.)

If this still does not work for you, then we recommend logging in to your Nexon account using the Nexon Launcher or Steam, then launch Mabinogi. You can open the in-game web shop window from two places in the game:

From the character selection screen, click the “Buy Card,” option on the task bar.


After logging in to a character, click on the Shop icon from the in-game task bar.


You should now be able to browse and make any purchases from the in-game web shop, as if you were on our website.

If you are not seeing NX in the account's in-game balance, you may have purchased it using the incorrect account. If so, please submit a ticket using the support portal and we'll gladly check for you.

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