How can I delete or deactivate my account?

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In order to delete, cancel, or deactivate a Nexon America account, we require you to provide some information to verify your account ownership before we can proceed with the account cancellation process.

Please Submit a Ticket and provide the information to the questions below. If the information is provided in a separate ticket, we will not be able to proceed with the account deactivation request. Additionally, once an account has been deactivated, we will not be able to reactivate it again.

Account Verification Questions:

  • Account’s registered email address
  • What type of account are you using to login with? 
    • Nexon Account 
    • Google
    • Facebook
    • Steam
  • If the email was changed from the registered e-mail address, please let us know what your previous e-mail address was.
  • Full Name (first and last)
  • Registered birthday (MM/YYYY)
  • Which Nexon games do you normally play on this account?
  • List at least three character names on the account


Purchase History Verification:

  • Please give the dates (in the last 90 days) of NX Purchased on the account in question (Credit Card, Paypal, Xsolla only).
  • Name of the items purchased
  • Dates the items were purchased

Once again, if the information is provided in a separate request, we will not be able to proceed with the account cancellation request.

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