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Check out the official Mabinogi forums!

Mabinogi has a very active and helpful community; connecting with veteran players is a great way to learn about the game's many intricacies.

Join the Mabinogi Discord Server! Receive real-time announcements and updates from Nexon staff and our volunteer moderators, as well as interact with players from the Nao and Alexina servers! Questions, concerns, or discussions about the game are always welcome! More information can be found in the Discord server's "Rules, Info and FAQ" section once you've joined.

We recommend visiting the Mabinogi World Wiki, which is used by many Milletians for quick help and detailed information regarding quests, skills, items, and more!

Lastly, of course, you can submit a support ticket so our Mabinogi GMs can further assist you with any questions or concerns. :)

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